Township Officials

James Seltzer, Chairman
James Potter, Vice-Chairman
Richard Macklem

Secretary: Darlene S. Macklem

[email protected]

Solicitor: McCormick Law Firm

Roadmaster:  Richard Macklem

Please call the Township Office at (570) 398-7829 about road conditions. ** In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.**

Emergency Management Coordinator:  Denny Buttorff

Zoning Officer: Brent Petrosky (570) 398-7829
Permit Officer: Brent Petrosky *Hours by appointment Mondays & Thursdays
Building Code Inspectors: Code Inspections, Inc. 321-1851 or 928-9208                 

Sewage Enforcement Officer: Jami Nolan (570) 220-9981 Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer: Robert Bertin (570) 998-2859 – 2025 SEO Fee Schedules

Zoning Hearing Board: Wade Potter, Mary Bennett, Nate Hollick

Planning Commission: James Seltzer, Charles Knarr, and Wilbur Moore
Recycling Committee: Wilbur Moore, Paul Stitzer and Richard Lange

Tax Collector: Richard Lange, P O Box 62, Waterville, PA  17776,  Phone# (570)-753-3647   

Township Auditors: Tammy Potter, Alice Norman, and Dawn Hedges

Engineer: Vassallo Engineering & Surveying, Inc.

Vacancy Board Chairman: Brent Petrosky

Please call the Township office at (570) 398-7829 for all township business.

                                               OPEN RECORDS OFFICER

Watson Townships Open Records Officer is Secretary/Treasurer Darlene S. Macklem 94 Whitetail Lane, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, PH (570) 398-7829 Fax (570) 865-6543 e-mail: [email protected], website:,

Open records request forms can be found at
Watson Township does not have an ordinance regarding open records and follows all Commonwealth laws/regulations.

Contact information for the State office of open records is:
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North St, Plaza Level
Harrisburg  PA  17120
[email protected]