Act 13 Fund
On November 19th., 2012 Watson Township opened an “Act 13 Fund” account at the Jersey Shore State Bank by depositing its’ first Act 13 check received from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. The check, in the amount of $284,718.58, was distributed for the year 2011 with the following break-down:
Under section 2314(d)(2), Municipalities with spud uncomventional wells. Watson Township contains 29 of 4333 spud unconventional wells subject to the impact fee statewide-$263,052.15
Section 2314(d)(3)(i)(A), Municipalities with qualifying wells within this municipality, a contiguous municipality, or within 5 miles – amount based on Population. Watson is a host to 29 wells that are subject to the Act 13 Impact Fee. Watsons’ population of 537 (0.54%) of 98,766 total population of eligible Municipalities within this County – $4,003.80
Section 2314(d)(3)(i)(B), Municipalities with qualifying wells within this municipality, a contiguous municipality, or within 5 miles – amount based on Highway Miles. Watson is a host to 29 wells that are subject to the Act 13 Impact Fee. Municipality highway miles of 10.17 (1.02%) of 999.90 total highway miles of eligible municipalities within this County – $7,489.80
Section 2314(d)(3)(ii)(A), Municipalities within eligible counties – amount based on population. This County contains 445 spud unconventional wells. Calculation is based on municipal population of 537 (0.46%) of 116,111 total population fo this County – $3,405.70
Section 2314(d)(3)(ii)(B), Municipalities within eligible counties – amount based on Highway Miles. This County contains 445 spud uncomventional wells. Calculation is based on municipal highway miles of 10.17 (0.92%) of 1,106.68 total highway miles of this County – $6,767.13
The following is money spent from the Marcellus Shale, Act 13 fund, as of 5/1/13, allocated to Watson Township in 2012, for the Architectural and Engineering designs for the new Township Building.
1. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-1, Architectural Design $1,600
2. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-2, Architectural Design $2,500
3. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-3, Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Design $9,590
4. Paul Albert Architect Invoice #123-12-4, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Design $490
5. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-5, Structural Design $1,120
6. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice # DN12-21, Survey, Land Development, Utilities, and Stormwater E&S Plans $1,881
7. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice # DN12-25, Survey, Land Development, Utilities, and Stormwater E&S Plans $2,210
8. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice # DN13-01, Survey, Land Development, Utilities, and Stormwater E&S Plans $1,878
9. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice # DN13-03, Survey, Land Development, Utilities, and Stormwater E&S Plans $2,876
10. Providence Engineering Corporation, Design Gravel Bays, $904
11. Vertech Engineering, Site Pole, Photometrics, and LED Lighting Design $250
12. S.E.O. Jami Nolan, Septic System Design $450
Total $25,749
Beginning Balance in fund $284,758.36
Designing fees $25,749.00
Current Balance $259,009.36
UPDATE 7/22/13
On 7/11/13 an Act 13 check in the amount of $219,667.91 was deposited into the Act 13 Fund bringing the current balance, with interest to $478,704.70
UPDATE 9/18/13
On 8/31/13 there was an interest deposit into the Act 13 Fund of $28.97 for an ending balance of $478,733.67
Watson Township Act 13 Fund
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list from May 1st. to September 16th. 2013
1. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-6, Architectural Design $1,900
2. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-7, Architectural Design $693
3. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice # DN13-32, Land Development, Utilities, and Stormwater E&S Plans $1,918
4. TurnKey Construction, General Construction $73,935
Total $78,446
There was a beginning balance of $478,733.67 in the Act 13 Fund. On September 18, 2013 the above amount of $78,446 was transferred to the General Fund to cover the above listed building expenses, leaving an ending balance of $400,287.67 in the Act 13 Fund.
Watson Township Act 13 Fund
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list from September 16th. 2013 to October 15th. 2013
On October 16th. 2013 a total of $100,290 was transferred from the Act 13 Fund into the General Fund to cover the below listed expenses for the construction of the new Township Building. This is the third transfer of funds regarding the new building.
1. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-8, Architectural Design $462
2. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice # DN13-39, Survey, Land Development, Utilities, Stormwater E&S Plans, Contract Administration, and Reimbursable Expenses $2,543
3. TurnKey Construction, General Construction $93,645
4. Spencer Mechanical, Inc., Plumbing $2,655
5. Code Inspections Inc., Code enforcement permit #LY/WT 13-0002 $985
Total $100,290
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $400,287.67, and now has an ending balance of $299,997.67.
Update November 21, 2013
Watson Township Act 13 Fund
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list from October 15, 2013 to November 19, 2013
Fourth Transfer of Funds
On November 20, 2013 a total of $85,292 was transferred from the Act 13 Fund into the General Fund to cover the below listed expenses for the construction of the new Township Building. This is the fourth transfer of funds regarding the new building.
1. Norman Engineered Designs Invoice #DN13-41, Construction Observation Expenses $552.50
2. TurnKey Construction, General Construction $58,167
3. Spencer Mechanical, Inc., Mechanical $11,143.80
4. Spencer Mechanical, Inc., Plumbing $15,429.60
Total $85,292.90
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $299,997.67, and now has an ending balance of $214,705.67.
Watson Township Act 13 Fund
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list from November 19, 2013 to December 17, 2013
Fifth Transfer of Funds
On December 18, 2013 a total of $163,457.00 was transferred from the Act 13 Fund into the General Fund to cover the below listed expenses for the construction of the new Township Building. This is the fifth transfer of funds regarding the new building.
1. TurnKey Construction, General Construction $163,457.08
Total $163,457.08
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $214,732.14, and now has an ending balance of $51,275.14.
Watson Township Act 13 Fund
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list #6 from December 16th. 2013 to January 20th, 2014
1. TurnKey Construction, General Construction, Application #5 $31,221.00
2. Norman Engineered Designs, Invoice # DN 13-47 $1,550.00
3. Paul Albert Architect Invoice # 123-12-9 $1,078.00
Total $33,849
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $51,275.14, and now has an ending balance of $17,426.14.
Watson Township
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list #7 from January 20th.2014 to February 18th. 2013
1. TurnKey Construction, General Construction, Application #6 $45,090.00
2. Paul Albert Architect Invoice #123-12-10 $308.00
Total $45,398
Amount Transferred 2/21/14 $17,000
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $17,426.14, and now has an ending balance of $426.14.
Watson Township
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Bill list #8 from February 19th.2014 to March 18th. 2013.
1. I. Ray Zimmerman Inc., Electrical Contracting, Payment Application #2,
2. I. Ray Zimmerman Inc., Electrical Contracting, Payment Application #3,
3. Spencer Mechanical Inc., HVAC, Payment Application #3, $11,669.04
4. Paul Albert Architect LLC., Architectural Inv.#123-12-11, $269.50
Total $83,872.16
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $426.14. On 2/28/14 there was interest in the amount of $4.91 deposited into the account for a balance of $431.05. On 3/4/14 the Township received/deposited a Lycoming County PA Act 13 financial assistance grant check in the amount of $100,290.80, for a balance of $100,721.85. On 3/19/14, $83,872.00 was transferred to the General Fund for the above listed construction expenses, leaving the Act 13 Fund with a balance of $16,849.85.
Watson Township
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Act 13, Bill list #9 from March 18th.2014 to Arpil 21st.2014.
1. Schrader Architectural Products, Lettering , Inv.#100368, $2,078.00
2. Paul Albert Architect LLC., Architectural Inv.#123-12-12, $115.50
3. Spencer Mechanical Inc., HVAC, Payment Application #4, $18,916.56
4. Spencer Mechanical Inc., Plumbing, Pay App. #6, $2,716.02
5. I. Ray Zimmerman Inc., Electrical, Pay App. #4, $9,442.13
6. TurnKey Construction, General, Pay App. #7, $22,716.00
7. TurnKey Construction, General, Pay App. #8, $52,834.66
Total $108,818.87
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $16,849.85. On April 18 the Township received the remaining balance of the Lycoming County Act 13 Grant money in the amount of $24,709.20, for an account balance of $41,559.05. On April 15, 2014 the Township secured a construction Loan from Citizens & Northern Bank for the maximum amount of $325,000.00. The above listed bills were paid with the construction loan.
Watson Township
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Act 13, Bill list #10 from April 21st. 2014 to May 14th. 2014.
1. Paul Albert Architect LLC., Architectural Inv.#123-12-13, $547.00
2. Spencer Mechanical Inc., Plumbing, Pay App. #4, $3,712.32
3. Spencer Mechanical Inc., Plumbing, Pay App. #5, $6,855.12
4. Spencer Mechanical Inc., Plumbing, Pay App. #7, $41.94
5. Spencer Mechanical Inc., Plumbing, Pay App. #8 Final, $3,490.00
6. Spencer Mechanical Inc., HVAC, Pay Application #5, $480.60
7. Spencer Mechanical Inc., HVAC, Pay Application #6 Final, $4,690.00
8. I. Ray Zimmerman Inc., Electrical, Pay App. #5, $3,696.75
9. Rhoads & Sinon LLP, Bond Counsel for Construction Loan, $3,010.16
10. Allen Green for credit card payment for American and Pennsylvania flags to Carrot-top Industries ($406.95), 35 Chairs and Ashtray to Pa State Surplus Property store ($550.00), Total $956.95
11. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Federal Surplus for Two Waste Cans, Two Steel Posts and Paper Cutter, $130.00
Total $27,610.84
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $16,849.85. On April 18 the Township received the remaining balance of the Lycoming County Act 13 Grant money in the amount of $24,709.20, for an account balance of $41,559.05. On April 15, 2014 the Township secured a construction Loan from Citizens & Northern Bank for the maximum amount of $325,000.00. Last month’s bills $108,818,87 were paid with the loan leaving a remaining balance of $216,181.13. The above bills were paid from the loan leaving a balance now of $188,570.29.
Watson Township
Township Building/Emergency Response Center
Act 13, Bill list #11 from May 14, 2014 to June 11, 2014.
1. TurnKey Construction, General Contractor, pay app. #9, $42,634.88
2. I. Ray Zimmerman, Electrical, Final pay app. #6, $9,797.50
3. Paul Albert Architect LLC, Final Invoice #123-12-14, $547.00
Total $52,979.38
All of the expense invoices are available for review by any member of the public. Please contact the Watson Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-398-7829 for an appointment to review same.
The above amount was transferred from the Construction Loan to the General Fund on June 19th 2014 to pay these bills.
The Act 13 fund had a balance of $41,559.05 on May 1st. On May 20th. there was a transfer of $28,398.00 to the General Fund to cover construction expenses, and on May 31st. interest in the amount of $1.81 was deposited into the Fund, leaving an ending balance of $13,162.86.
Watson Township
Marcellus Shale Act 13 Account
July 2014
The Watson Township Act 13 Account had a beginning balance of $13,162.86. On July 1, 2014 there was a deposit of $100,515.58 leaving the account with a balance of $113,678.44
Watson Township
Marcellus Shale Act 13 Account
August 2014
The Act 13 Account had a beginning balance of $113,678.44. On August 31st. There was a deposit (interest) in the amount of $2.04, leaving the account with a balance of $113,680.48.
Watson Township
Marcellus Shale Act 13 Account
September/October 2014
The Act 13 Account had a beginning balance of $113,680.48. On September 30th. 2014 there was a withdraw of $85,474.00 to pay down the Township building construction loan to $110,000.00. On October 22nd. 2014 there was a withdraw of $7,123.87 to cover payment application #10, TurnKey construction, leaving the account with a balance of $21,082.61. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Watson Township
Marcellus Shale Act 13 Account
November/December 2014
Beginning Balance of $21,082.61
On 11/18/14 there was a loan payment of $1,075.34, leaving a balance of $20,007.27. On 11/30/14 there was an interest deposit of $1.30, leaving a balance of $20,008.57. On 12/16/14 there was a loan payment of $1,075.34, leaving a end of year balance of $18,933.23. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Watson Township Act 13 Fund
The Township Act 13 Fund had a beginning balance of $18,933.23 on January 1st. 2015. The following is Fund activity since that time.
Date Amount Balance
1/1/15 $18,933.23
1/26/15 Loan Payment (Feb.) $1,075.34 $17,857.89
2/20/15 Loan Payment (Mar.) $1,075.34 $16,782.55
2/28/15 Interest $ .46 $16,783.01
3/23/15 Loan Payment (Apr.) $1,075.34 $15,707.67
4/20/15 Loan Payment (May) $1,075.34 $14,632.33
5/12/15 Loan Payment (June) $1,075.34 $13,556.99
5/31/15 Interest $ .39 $13,557.38
7/7/15 Deposit (Act 13) $85,047.78 $98,605.16
7/17/15 Loan Payment (July) $1,075.34 $97,529.82
7/20/15 Loan Payment (Aug.) $1,075.34 $96,454.48
8/18/15 Loan Payment (Sept.) $1,075.34 $95,379.14
8/31/15 Interest $ 1.61 $95,380.75
9/14/15 Loan Payment (Oct.) $1,075.34 $94,305.41
9/23/15 Payoff Truck Loan & pay-down Bldg. loan $85,303.03 $9,002.38
9/29/15 Return Oct. loan payment $1,075.34 $10,077.72 10/22/15 Loan Payment (Nov.) $ 551.70 $9,526.02
11/10/15 Loan Payment (Dec.) $ 551.70 $8,974.32
11/19/15 Overpayment of Truck Loan $7.14 $8,981.46
12/15/15 Loan Payment (Jan.) $551.70 $8,430.52
1/11/16 Loan Payment (Feb.) $551.70 $7,878.82
2/12/16 Loan Payment (Mar.) $551.70 $7,327.12
2/29/16 Interest $ .20 $7,327.32
4/3/16 Loan Payment (Apr.) $551.70 $6,775.62
4/8/16 Loan Payment (May) $551.70 $6,223.92
5/17/16 Loan Payment (June) $551.70 $5,672.22 5/31/16 Interest $.16 $5,672.38
6/16/16 Loan Payment (July) $551.70 $5,120.68
7/7/16 Deposit (Act13) $65,209.72 $70,330.40
7/11/16 Interest $.13 $70,330.53
7/22/16 Construction Loan Pay-off $47,892.69 $22,437.84 7/31/16 Interest $4.10 $22,441.94
8/31/16 Interest $2.86 $22,444.80
9/30/16 Interest $2.95 $22,447.75
10/31/16 Interest $2.67 $22,450.42
11/30/16 Interest $2.77 $22,453.19
12/31/16 Interest $2.86 $22,456.05
1/31/17 Interest $2.86 $22,458.91
2/28/17 Interest $2.59 $22,461.50
3/31/17 Interest $3.04 $22,464.54
4/30/17 Interest $2.59 $22,467.13
5/31/17 Interest $2.86 $22,469.99
6/30/17 Interest $2.95 $22,472.94
7/3/17 Deposit (Act 13) $56,907.96 $79,380.90
7/31/17 Interest $9.46 $79,390.36
8/31/17 Interest $10.12 $79,400.48
10/1/17 Interest $10.11 $79,410.59
10/31/17 Interest $9.79 $79,420.38
11/7/17 Deluxe check printing $33.44 $79,386.94
11/30/17 Interest $9.79 $79,396.73
12/31/17 Interest $10.12 $79,406.85
1/29/18 Transfer to General Fund $20,000.00 $59,406.85
1/31/18 Interest $9.87 $59,416.72
2/28/18 Interest $6.83 $59,423.55
3/31/18 Interest $7.82 $59,431.37
4/30/18 Interest Deposit $7.08 $59,438.45
5/31/18 Interest Deposit $7.57 $59,446.02
6/22/18 Transfer to General Fund, for West Side Road Project
$50,000.00 $9,446.02
6/30/18 Interest Deposit $5.52 $9,451.54
7/16/18 Deposit (Act 13) $67,252.73 $76,704.27
7/31/18 Interest Deposit $5.59 $76,709.86
9/3/18 Interest Deposit $10.72 $76,720.58
10/1/18 Interest Deposit $8.51 $76,729.09
10/31/18 Check #101, Fillman Road paving $14,594.71 $62,134.38
10/31/18 Interest Deposit $32.61 $62,166.99
11/30/18 Interest Deposit $54.50 $62,221,49
12/31/18 Interest Deposit $49.43 $62,270.92
1/31/19 Interest Deposit $52.89 $62,323.81
2/28/19 Interest Deposit $47.81 $62,371.62
3/31/19 Interest Deposit $52.98 $62,424.60
4/30/19 Interest Deposit $51.30 $62,475.90
6/2/19 Interest Deposit $56.49 $62,532.39
6/30/19 Interest Deposit $47.97 $62,580.36
7/5/19 Deposit (Act 13) $69,895.43 $132,475.79
7/31/19. . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . .$104.85. . . . . . . . . . . . $132,580.64
8/15/19. . . . New mower. . . . . . . . .$37,091.00 . . . . . . . . . . $95,489.64
8/15/19. . . . Parts for mower . . . . .$1,245.76 . . . . . . . . . . . $94,243.88
9/2/19. . . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$105.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$94,349.05
9/30/19. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . . $72.37. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$94,421.42
10/31/19. . . Interest Deposit . . . . . $45.79. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$94,467.21
12/1/19. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . . . $4.01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,471.22
12/31/19. . . Interest Deposit . . . . . $57.98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$94,529.20
2/2/20. . . . . Interest Deposit . . . . . $85.23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$94,614.43
2/11/20. . . . Check 104 . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,114.43
3/1/20. . . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$72.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,186.54
3/31/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$77.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,263.74
4/30/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$77.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,341.01
5/31/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$79.90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,420.91
6/30/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$77.40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,498.31
7/3/20. . . . . Deposit. . . . . . . . . . . . $55,685.01. . . . . . . . . . $150,183.32
8/2/20. . . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$132.37 . . . . . . . . . . . . $150,315.69
8/31/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$119.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . $150,434.79
9/30/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$123.31 . . . . . . . . . . . . $150,558.10
11/1/20. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$131.63 . . . . . . . . . . . . $150,689.73
11/19/20. . . 2007 GMC Truck. . . . .$23,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,189.73
11/19/20. . . Title/Registration . . . .$64.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$127,125.73
11/30/20. . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$114.89 . . . . . . . . . . . .$127,240.62
12/31/20. . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$32.05. . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,272.67
1/31/21. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$1.08. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,273.75
2/28/21. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$0.98. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,274.73
3/31/21. . . . Interest Deposit . . . . .$1.08. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,275.81
5/2/21. . . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,276.92
5/31/21. . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,277.94
6/30/21. . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.04. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,278.98
7/16/21. . . . Deposit. . . . . . . . . . . . $37,310.19 . . . . . . . . $164,589.17
8/1/21. . . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164,590.46
8/31/21. . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164,591.81
9/30/21. . . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164,593.17
10/29/21. . . Interest Deposit. . . . . $1.39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164,594.56